Impressions: 02.-04.09.2024 - 3rd International Symposium CRC 1052

Review: 3rd International Symposium of the CRC 1052 in cooperation with HI-MAG

Dear colleagues, guests and doctoral students,

the 3rd International Symposium of the CRC 1052 „Obesity Mechanisms“ in the cooperation with HI-MAG, took place on September 2nd-4th 2024, in the Felix-Klein lecture hall (Augusteum) at Leipzig University.

More than 120 scientists shared the cutting- edge lectures on biological, genetical and clinical topics of the obesity research.The key note lecture has been delivered by Professor Ronald Kahn from the Harvard Medical School. The networking among the international and national experts resulted in the stimulating discussions, exchange of ideas and plans for many future collaborations.

Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers presented their projects during the poster session.

Poster prize winners of the 3rd International Symposium:

1st Prize: Inka Rapöhn, CRC 1052/C7

2nd Prize: Sontje Krupka, CRC 1052/B4

3rd Prize: Lisa Roth, CRC 1052/B12

The CRC 1052 is delighted about the three days of fruitful scientific exchange. Many thanks to all the participants for their contributions. We are especially grateful to the speakers as well as to the poster presenters for making it a successful meeting!

Best wishes,

Matthias Blüher

Spokesperson CRC 1052

