Rückblick_2. internationales Symposium des SFB 1052
Liebe Kolleg:innen,
für unser 2. internationales Symposium des SFB 1052 “Obesity Mechanisms” öffnete 2019 der Mediencampus Villa Ida vom 02.-04. September seine Tore. Zur Tagung reisten Expert:innen aus der Adipositas-Forschung an, sowie über 130 Teinehmende kamen in Leipzig zusammen. Nationale und internationale Wissenschaftler:innen stellten ihre Forschungsaktivitäten und –ergebnisse im Rahmen von Posterbeiträgen oder Vorträgen vor.
Intensiven Austausch sowie Diskussion bot die Poster session. Hier präsentierten die jungen und aufstrebenden Wissenschaftler:innen ihre aktuellsten Forschungsdaten. Ihm Rahmen der Poster session wurden 3 Posterpreise verliehen.
Wir danken allen Beteiligten bei der Mitwirkung und Unterstützung sowie allen Teilnehmenden, die zum Gelingen unseres 2. internationlen Symposiums des SFB 1052 beigetragen haben!
Herzliche Grüße
Dear CRC-members, colleagues and interested parties,
we are delighted to invite you to the 2nd International Symposium of the CRC 1052 "Obesity Mechanisms", taking place from September 2-3, 2019 on the Media Campus Villa Ida in Leipzig.
Our Symposium 2019 will bring together an outstanding and diverse group of scientists who will share and discuss the latest research in following areas:
- Central obesity mechanisms
- Brain periphery crosstalk
- Adipose tissue heterogeneity
- Adipokines
- Consequences of obesity
Confirmed speakers at the symposium are:
Jens Brüning (Cologne) | Sebastian Schmid (Lübeck) | Yu Hua Tseng (Boston) |
Hans-Peter Hammes (Mannheim) | Tim Schulz (Potsdam) | Siegfied Ussar (München) |
Martin Klingenspor (München) | Annette Schürmann (Potsdam) | Martin Wabitsch (Ulm) |
This conference will be followed by the closing meeting of the Integrated Research and Treatment Center (IFB) AdiposityDiseases (September 3–4, 2019).
Registration and participation in the 2nd International Symposium is free of charge, registration is required.
Flyer of the 2.international Symposium CRC 1052
Poster session
The event provides junior scientists the opportunity to take part in the poster presentation session.
Furthermore, the obesity symposium platform awards the best posters presented by the junior scientists with following poster prizes:
- Prize value of 300 Euro
- Prize value of 100 Euro
- Prize value of 50 Euro
The poster committee evaluates all posters on their design, clarity of the presentation - both of the poster and also when talking to the presenter - and scientific content.
The three best poster presentations are recognized by award certificates and prize.
The winners of the Best Poster Awards of the 2nd International Symposium were announced during a ceremony in front of the entire audience on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Find attached the Poster presentation instructions.
Submit your poster title until the 5th of August using the email: Lysann.penkalla@medizin.uni-leipzig.de
Looking forward to your participation.
All the best,
Dr. Lysann Penkalla