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We want to announce an exciting course held at the HI-MAG in Leipzig.
Prof. Iris Shai, who is a Professor of Nutrition & Epidemiology at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, an Adjunct Professor at the Havard University, USA and an Honorary Professor at the Leipzig University (click here for her Publication list), will visit us in October and will give her Havard Course Dietary intervention trials – study design & novel technologies on 12 and 13 October 2022, 9 am to approx. 3 pm (with breaks) at our institute.
The course aims to develop knowledge and skills for designing, to analyze, and interpreting dietary intervention trials. This course is for researchers with some research experience who would like to prepare for a first research grant (e.g. 2-3rd-year PhD students, Clinician Scientists, PostDocs, YIG). But also, those interested in how to design a clinical trial are more than welcome - here, you get the chance to learn from the best. For detailed information, please see the attached document.
Registration is now open: Please write an email until 30 August 2022 to hi-mag@helmholtz-muenchen.de if you want to attend the course.