Curriculum 2024

06.02. IRTG skilling course: Advanced statistic course, part 2
16.04. Networking event: Doc´s breakfast
10.-12. June Summer School in Hotel Schloss Schweinsburg
August IRTG skilling course: Reasoning and Logic or Thesis defece training
02.-04.09 3rd CRC International Symposium in Leipzig
05.-06.09. I CRC Retreat in Leipzig
October IRTG skilling course: Stress management/Resilience/Mental health
12.11. Graduate Academy Leipzig- Tag der Promotion (AI Podium discussion)
November Career talk-IRTG Alumni: Lukas Massier, Anna Kirstein, Andreas Lindhorst
28.11. Doctoral Christmas Meeting
29.11. II CRC Retreat in Leipzig
IRTG skilling course: Scientific writing

Date: 20./21.03.2022

Venue: Rudolf Schönheimer Institute of Biochemistry, Johannisallee 30, 3rd flour, Seminar room D301/302

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Lecturer: Dr. Juliane Handschuh

In this workshop, you will learn the following:

  • The planning stage: structure and focus

  • Preparing the sections of a manuscript

  • Professional and structured writing

  • Title and abstract

  • Structuring paragraphs

  • Focus on publishing: Publication strategy, increasing the impact of your manuscript, communicating with the editor of a scientific journal,working with and responding to reviewer's comments

Registration is open! Send an email to

We are looking forward to your participation.

Best regards, Lysann Penkalla

Networking event - Doc´s Breakfast

All members of the Integrated Research Training Group "Obesity Mechanisms" are very welcome to join the Networking Event "Doc´s Breakfast". This year, everything revolved around the 2023 curriculum of the research training group. The doctoral meeting aims to stimulate professional exchange on obesity science. Furthermore, the young researcher should look after new cooperation partners for their Lab rotations in the CRC. Each participant will bring and share their favourite food to the event.

Where: Rudolf-Schoenheimer Institute of Biochemistry, Seminar room D301/302

When: 30.03.2023, 9.00 a.m.

IRTG workshop: Research data management

Datum: 21. April 2023

Uhrzeit: 8:30 - 15:30 Uhr

Format: online Workshop, in deutsch


  • alle Aspekte des Forschungsdatenmanagements entlang des Forschungsdatenlebenszyklus

  • Datenmanagement

  • Dokumentation und Publikation von Daten (inkl. persistenter Identifier und Lizenzvergabe)

  • Langzeitarchivierung

  • Zugriffssicherheit

  • Nachnutzung von Daten

  • Datenschutz und der Anonymisierung von Daten

Anmeldung unter folgender Emailadresse:


IRTG method module: Microscopy course
Bild von Konstantin Kolosov auf Pixabay

Date: 24 and 25 May

Venue: Carl –Ludwig-Institute (CLI), Institute of Anatomy & Paul-Flechsig-Institute (PFI)


  • Basic knowledge in principles of optics proceeds through transmitted light microscopy and covers laser scanning microscopy (LSM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
  • This course will focus on advanced quantitative fluorescence microscopy techniques for imaging various biological specimens, from cells to single molecules.
  • Provides detailed knowledge of the working principles of confocal and widefield fluorescence imaging.
  • Focuses on teaching the theoretical background covering transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for cell biology

Registration is open

Please register by sending an e-mail to .

Summer School - Hotel Schloss Schweinsburg
Bild von

Welcome to Summer School Information 

We invite all doctoral researchers of the Integrated Research Training Group IRTG "Obesity Mechanisms" of the CRC 1052 to attend the IRTG-Summer School in the Hotel Schloss Schweinsburg. The Summer School has a particular focus on young scientists. This year numerous slots of oral and poster presentations and different skilling courses will be provided.

Date: June 5-7, 2023
Venue: Hotel Schloss Schweinsburg, Hauptstraße 147 – 149
08459 Neukirchen/ Pleiße bei Zwickau

Preliminary schedule:

  • Poster session, Data blitz session
  • 2 Workshops:
    • 1. Proposal writing: How to create promising grant applications
    • 2. Get the basics of science communication on social media
IRTG skilling course: Concept and design of graphical abstracts

Journals are increasingly requesting the submission of a "graphical" or "visual abstract" alongside the body of the article. This concise, pictorial and visual summary of the article's main findings. It could either be the concluding figure from the paper or, better still, a figure specially designed for the purpose, which captures the article's content for readers at a glance.

Date: 19 October 2023 | 

Time: 9 am – 4 pm

Venue: Seminar room D301/302, Rudolf Schoenheimer Institute of Biochemistry

  • Conceptual Considerations

  • Structure and Content |

  • Basics of Design and Visualisation

  • Layout Techniques

  • Practice Session Graphical Abstract

IRTG skilling course: Advanced Statistics and Statistical thinking

We want to provide a two-days workshop combining a course in "Advanced Statistics and Statistical thinking"

Date: Part I: 18 September 2023

           Part II: 06 February 2024, 10.30-16.00

Format: Online workshop

Workshop lecturer: Dr. Peter Paul Heym


  • Short recap of Introductory course – from significance testing to ANOVA

  • ANOVA scenarios for more complex situations

  • Minimizing experimental runs by applying design of experiments – from ANOVA to DoE

  • DoE applications – Full factorial, fractional factorial and Plackett-Burman Designs

  • Optimizing designs (Response-surface- & Mixture-designs)

  • Linear mixed effects models – advantages over ANOVA & applications

  • Introduction in Bayes-Statistics and Bayes-analysis

    Registration by sending an email to

Career cafe - "What happens to alumni Dr. Elisabeth Jäger?”

We want to invite you to the following career event:

The career cafe is a career perspective that explores future career options in academia and beyond. We invite professionals with academic backgrounds who work in exciting positions. Our guests present their personal career paths, and doctoral researchers have the opportunity for an in-depth discussion in a relaxed atmosphere.

In October 2023, we invite the CRC 1052 alumna Elisabeth Jäger. Since 2020, she has been a postdoctoral scientist at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. She pursued her PhD on " Mechanism of the Ca²⁺-induced, GPCR-mediated inflammasome activation in human monocytes" in the Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, between 2014 and 2020. Elisabeth Jäger will speak about her doctoral working time and try to advise by drawing from her experience and describing her career path.
