Curriculum 2021
10.03. |
Career service: "Mentoringprogramm der Universität Leipzig - Inspiration -Qualifizierung-Vernetzung" (Georg Teichert, Equal opportunity commissioner, Leipzig University)
29.03. | I. Virtual Doctoral Meeting |
14.04. |
Prospective lecture: "Financial consultation to fund a stay abroad" (Jane Moros, International Centre, Leipzig University)
05./10.05. | IRTG skilling course: "Me and My Supervisor" |
May | Career talk: "What happens to Alumni...?" postponed |
02.06. | I. CRC retreat 2021 |
16.-17.06. |
IRTG scientific module: "Priciples of Clinical Studies"
15.07. | Doctoral Candidates Get-together |
08.-09.09. | IRTG skilling course: "Presentation skills for scientists - Communicating with Confidence and Accuracy" postponed, until the beginning of 2022 |
04.-05.10. | II. CRC Retreat in Nimbschen |
02.-04.11. | IRTG scientific module: "Biomarkers in Obesity" postponed |
08.-09.11. | IRTG scientific module: "Therapeutic Targeting Obesity" postponed |
29.11./02.-03.12. | CRISPR Genome Editing Workshop |
For more women to choose career paths in science, we need structural changes. The Leipzig University offers various measures to retain more women in the academic system after their doctorate and to increase their presence at all qualification levels. Presenting his work, the Equal Opportunities Officer, Georg Teichert, is intended to inform about the various support services offered by the Leipzig University.
Date | March 10, 2021 |
Content |
Time | 15:00 |
Access |
Online, Webex-Meeting Please use Google Chrome as your web browser for a smooth process. |
Register NOW! Registration is required to receive the meeting link. E-mail to:
To participate in the event, click on the link in your invitation mail. The virtual room will be available from 14:50.
1. Doctoral meeting, 29 March
Preliminary program:
Datablitz sessions I
Poster sessions I
Datablitz sessions II
Poster sessions II
Feedback session
Get together
The software for the virtual meeting is Webex, for poster session will be used.
Datablitz Presentation Instructions
As a well-established part, the data blitz presenters will each dedicate five minutes during the oral session to introduce the data that they will later present during the poster session. The purpose of the data blitz session is for poster presenters to entice delegates to visit their posters, inspire further discussion, but NOT to present complete results.
For the data blitz, presenters should prepare NO MORE THAN FIVE (5) PowerPoint slides:
1) The first slide should contain the title, the names of all authors on their poster, the institution(s) where the research is performed and any acknowledgements/funding sources.
2) The second slide should contain an overview of the study's background and the critical question/s being addressed.
3) The third slide should contain brief information about the experimental design that is being used to address the question (you can use a diagram, timeline and/or bullet points).
4) The fourth/fifth slide should contain ONE figure OR photo (try to permit only one) to convey the central finding. Presenters should not attempt to communicate all of their results during the data blitz.
There will also be up to three minutes after each talk for presenters to field questions from the audience. Some people may elect to introduce their study and methods only and encourage people to visit their poster to discover and discuss the presenter's results.
- Every participant has to prepare a presentation for the data blitz session and a poster
Register NOW!
E-mail to:

Talk and Discussion: Prospective lecture: "Financial consultation to fund a stay abroad"
Lecturer: Jane Moros, International Centre, Leipzig University
Date: 14.04.2021
Time: 15:00
Access link: BigBlueBotton
Jane Moros is Leipzig University´s respective person informing about possibilities of exchanges and investing a place to spend a semester abroad and other funding possibilities. She knows the deadline for scholarships both within Germany and abroad best. Further, Mrs Moros will give further advice about the interview procedure of specific funding foundations. After her presentation, it is time to ask your questions.
Register NOW! Registration is required to receive the meeting link. E-mail to:
To participate in the event, click on the link in your invitation mail.

The success and quality of graduate education largely depend on effective and efficient supervision. The role of the supervisor plays a crucial role in the overall satisfaction, retention and completion. The workshop´s primary objective is to indicate ways to improve the relationship and provide better support for student-advisor communication.
- Roles of supervisee and supervisor during the PhDHow
- Dealing successfully with academic structures of competition & cooperation and hierarchy
- Different personalities – different needs in communication and supervising relationships
- Basics of non-violent communication
- Identifying strengths and weaknesses of arguments
- Communicating successfully through proper argumentation
- Dealing with stress: key concepts of self-care, how to achieve a good work-life-balance
- Giving and receiving constructive feedback
Workshop takes place via Zoom. Use of webcam is necessary. An integrated webcam in your laptop or phone is enough.
You receive the link to Zoom before the workshop.
Date: 05./10.05.2021
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Format: Online-Workshop via Zoom
Lecturer: Dr. Imke Lode
Registration is open:
Please register by sending an e-mail to .

One path in life sciences leads to a focus on academic career another term of alternative career options could be industry. The "Career cafe" is designed to introduce the experiences of Alumni´s with academic backgrounds who work in exciting positions related to environmental research. Our guests present their personal career paths and doctoral researchers have the opportunity for discussions in a relaxed atmosphere.
Alumni: Dr. Vera Lede
Date: May
Format: Online talk
The module will familiarize doctoral students with the design and conduction of clinical studies, including legal regulations. Studies in clinical physiology (clamps, fMRI, oGTT, behavioural task) will be carried out together with IRTG students. The course includes a special career part:
SPECIAL: Introduction to career pathways in clinical trials research.
Responsible: Dr. W. Oehrl (Leiter ZKS Akademie, Director MSc Clinical Research and Translational Medicine)
Date | 16.-17.06.2021 |
Venue/Access | Online module |
Time | 09:00-13:30 |
Language | German |
Please register by sending an e-mail to .

Presentation skills for scientists - Communicating with confidence and accuracy
Date: | 08.09./09.09.2021 |
Objectives: | This is an activity-based workshop led by a theatre professional whose expertise is in helping the speaker effectively communicate the importance and relevance of the work and the core message in the talk. Repetition is a key aspect of the training so that participants can strengthen the narrative, the emotional tone, and the physicality of the talk in order to define and support the speaker’s own dynamic style. |
Contents in brief: |
Online workshop |
Trainer: Guido Molina is a professional acting trainer and Theater pedagogue (BuT), as well as theater director and actor. Guido focuses on providing hands-on experience for professionals and academics in order to improve their overall communication and presentation skills, as well as improving fluency, accuracy and style of speech and making strong connections.
Please register by sending an e-mail to
The number of biomarkers related to obesity and to associated diseases is still growing. This module will provide information on current laboratory chemistry, analytic methods, metabolic profiling and diagnostic strategies.
CRC project leaders:
- Prof. Uta Ceglarek (CRC1052/A9), topic: quantitative mass spectrometry
- PD Dr. Jürgen Schiller (CRC1052, Z3), topic: (MALDI) Mass spectrometric and NMR spectroscopic Analysis
- Prof. Martin von Bergen (CRC1052/Z3), topic: Mass spectrometry in proteomics
Date | 02.-04.11. 2021 |
Venue | - Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics (ILM)
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig
- Institute for Medical Physics and Biophysics
Time | 9:00-17:00 |
Please register by sending an e-mail to