Networking event - Doc´s Breakfast

All members of the Integrated Research Training Group "Obesity Mechanisms" are very welcome to join the Networking Event "Doc´s Breakfast". The doctoral meeting aims to stimulate professional exchange on obesity science. Furthermore, the Young researcher should look after new cooperation partners for their Lab rotations in the CRC. Each participant will bring and share their favourite food to the event.

Where: Rudolf-Schoenheimer Institute of Biochemistry, Seminar Room D302

When: 9.00 a.m.

Scientific module: Biomarker in Obesity

Content: The number of biomarkers related to obesity and associated diseases is still growing. This module will provide information on current laboratory chemistry, analytic methods, metabolic profiling and diagnostic strategies.

Date: 8-9 March 2022

Responsible Project leaders:

PD Dr. Jürgen Schiller (CRC Z3)

Prof. Dr. Uta Ceglarek (CRC A9)

Prof. Dr. Martin von Bergen (CRC B1, Z3)

To give an overview of the lecture´s content Preliminary Program2021

Registration is open

Please register by sending an e-mail to

Research Data Management Workshop for Life Science

Content: To provide an interdisciplinary overview of all areas of research data management, from planning to analysis and data publication to data archiving. The unique feature is the explicit reference to subject-specific standards, software and offerings from the life sciences, such as the use of electronic lab books and repositories for data publication.


  • ZB Med – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften: Lecturers Birte Lindstädt, Justine Vandendorpe

  • Team Researchdatamanagement Leipzig University: Pia Voigt

Date: 14.03., 17.03.2022

Time: 09.00 -13.00 

Workshop language: English

Registration is open until 11.02.22 

Please send a registration email to

IRTG skilling course: Presentation skills training


This is an activity-based workshop led by a theatre professional whose expertise is in helping the speaker effectively communicate the importance and relevance of the work and the core message in the talk. Repetition is a crucial aspect of the training so that participants can strengthen the narrative, the emotional tone, and the physicality of the talk to define and support the speaker’s own dynamic style.
Content in Brief:
  • • Concisely and effectively introducing yourself
    • Engaging the audience in one’s talk
    • Affirming the strengths and individual style of the speaker
    • Improving body language
    • Develop language and structuring tactics for effective communication
    • Craft a creative story - Storytelling

The workshop takes place virtually. You receive the link  before the seminar.

Date: 17./18.03.2022

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Format: Online workshop using Zoom,  we will send the link and password prior to the workshop

Trainer: Guido Molina is a professional acting trainer, Theater pedagogue (BuT), theater director and actor. Guido focuses on providing hands-on experience for professionals and academics to improve their overall communication and presentation skills, as well as improve fluency, accuracy and style of speech and make strong Connections.

Registration is open

Please register by sending an e-mail to .

Scientific module: Therapeutics Targeting Obesity

Content: This course will give an overview of the research for drug targets and drug development in obesity and related diseases. Therapeutic strategies, including surgery intervention, will be discussed.

Date: 26.-27. April 2022

Responsible project leaders:

PD Dr. Matthias (CRC B1)

Prof. Dr. Anke Tönjes (CRC C6)

Dr. Haiko Schlögl (CRC A1)

Here you can find an overview of the lecture´s content of 2022.

Skilling course "Visual Communication of Science"


The training on "Visual Communication of Science" is made for doctoral students, Postdocs, and other researchers. The aim is to train scientists in the principles of visual communication so that they can present their ideas and results clearly and effectively in journal papers and grant proposals, on posters and on slides—one training to cover all of their essential visual communication requirements.

Date: 16-17 May 2022

Format: online


DAY 1 (9:00 am - 4:30 pm)
  • Communicating with scientific vs non-scientific audiences
  • Visual perception and what humans find intuitive
  • Visual organization: simplifying comprehension through structured layout
  • Eye-flow:effortlessly guide the audience through the design
  • Colours:how to amplify, not 'fancify'
  • Discussion on pre-submitted figures: facilitator's feedback on a selection of pre-submitted figures from participants
  • Drawing exercise & group work: participants draw a graphical abstract of their research and give each other feedback on how to improve

DAY 2 (9:00 am - 1:30 pm)

  • Slides that amplify messages and don't distract when presenting
  • Discussion on pre-submitted slides: facilitator's feedback on a selection of slides from participants
  • Posters: strategy and process for creating posters that attract and explain
  • Group work – posters feedback: participants share their posters and give and receive feedback

Trainer: Facilitator Dr. Jernej Zupanc, Founder of Seyens LTd.

"My goal is to help scientists effectively communicate their ideas and findings and make an impact with their research. Communication is my professional passion. I read and study eclectically, always looking for approaches from diverse fields that scientists can readily apply. I distil the principles and broadly applicable practices into relevant, enjoyable, and engaging learning experiences. Everything is structured, memorable, and facilitated so researchers can learn and apply the new knowledge in the shortest possible time. I want to create the world's best transferrable communication skills training.

Since 2013, I have worked with over 4000 researchers in 22 countries (Europe, US and Asia) and regularly run training for clients around the world at excellent research institutions, universities, and multinational companies.

I did my doctorate and was a postdoc in computer science at the University of Ljubljana and was a Fulbright Scholar at the Northeastern University, Boston. Before my full-time professional dedication to training, I worked at a startup as Head of Computer Vision and as an Evaluator of Horizon 2020 projects for the EC. I also consulted companies on European funding and helped 20 clients receive over €25 million in public and private funding. My professional profile is on LinkedIn."

Please register by sending an e-mail to

What makes a good scientific paper?
Bild von sandid auf Pixabay

Content: According to a 2015 report from the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers, as many as 28,000 English-language journals publish 2.5 million articles every year, covering new advances in every field from astronomy to zoology.

It's easy to assume that these journals are top-quality publishing designs, working with only the best scientists to distribute the best research. As you have undoubtedly noticed, truly well-written research papers are not so common. That's partly because writing clearly about complex matters is inherently tricky, but partially because the standards and expectations of scientific writing are set relatively low.

But how to encounter a research article that is clear and easy to follow and truly a pleasure to read? What makes a good research paper?

Together with Prof Schöneberg, the speaker of IRTG, we design a new skilling lecture about revealing /indicating bad and good criteria of publications.

Part I Introduction – 02.06.22

Prof. Schöneberg will introduce and provide criteria to identify truly well-written research papers based on scientific example papers. You will become familiar with the paper structure and the experimental design features and develop a methodological look at the data tables, figures or images.

Part II Hands-on training – 08.06.22

Participants will bring and provide their interesting scientific papers to approach good and bad criteria of publications

Lecturer: Prof. Torsten Schöneberg

Date: 02.06/08.06.2022, 3 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.

Venue: Rudolf-Schoenheimer-Institute, Johannisallee 30, 3rd floor, Seminar room D302

Registration: Sending an email to

Alumni Career Talk: "What happens to Alumni…?"
Bild von Free-Photos auf Pixabay

In the "Alumni Career talks", we welcome our Alumni from the Integrated Research Training Group to speak about their path. With this session, we want to aim at PhD researchers who would like to find out about possible career pathways for scientists. The young researcher will get the chance to ask questions and hear unique, personal stories from working professionals from different fields in academia or industry.

We will announce the invited persons soon.


Summer School - Monastery Drübeck (Harz)
Bild von Free-Photos auf Pixabay

Welcome to Summer School Information 

We invite all doctoral researchers of the Integrated Research Training Group IRTG "Obesity Mechanisms" of the CRC 1052 to attend the IRTG-Summer School in the Monastery Drübeck, Harz. The Summer School has a particular focus on young scientists. This year numerous slots of oral and poster presentations and different skilling courses will be provided.

Date:  July 24-26, 2022
Venue:  Tagungs- und Begegnungsstätte, Evangl. Zentrum Kloster Drübeck, Klostergarten 6, 38871 Ilsenburg OT Drübeck
Statistics and Bioinformatics

We want to provide a two-day workshop combining a course in "Introduction into Statistics and Statistical thinking" and on the second day the scientific module of the IRTG "Statistics and Bioinformatic" 

1. DAY - 26 September 2022


  • Introduction to Statistical Thought - Variability and Randomness, Samples and Populations
  • Introduction to Null Hypothesis Significance Tests
  • What if we were wrong? – about P values, confidence intervals and significance levels, type I & II errors
  • Statistical power analysis – balancing sample size and variability
  • More on tests of Significance – different tests for different questions
  • How to read scientific figures? The rules of presenting data graphically
  • So, what’s the difference? About effect sizes and practical significance
  • Comparing more than to means – Introduction into Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Post-Hoc Tests

Trainer: Dr. Peter P. Heym, Sum of squares

2. DAY - 27 September 2022

Content: The number of biomarkers related to obesity and associated diseases is still growing. This module will provide information on current laboratory chemistry, analytic methods, metabolic profiling and diagnostic strategies.

Responsible project leaders:

PD Dr. Stefanie Kehr (CRC Z4)

Prof. Dr. Peter Kovacs (CRC B3)

Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz (CRC B11)

To give an overview of the lecture´s content, here the Schedule of 2020

Doctoral Christmas Meeting

Dear all,

Christmas is approaching, and what better way to celebrate than with a doctoral meeting event?

The meeting will be held on Thursday, 8th December 2022, at 6:00 pm at the Moritzbastei. Within this meeting, we want to address the evaluation of the graduate program of 2022 and suggest individuals' needs for the curriculum in 2023. These event aims to introduce the PhD candidates to foster networking within the specific community and to enable discussions and exchange of ideas with collaborating doctoral colleagues.

Flyer of the event

We look forward to seeing you all again in person!

See you soon,