Online Gender Workshop 2021 in cooperation with CRC1423 und TRR67

Description: Equality between women and men in the science system has not yet been achieved. Outstanding research, in particular, cannot do without the potential and excellence of female scientists. With the common goal of strengthening gender equality at Leipzig University, the research networks SFB1423, TRR67 and SFB1052 have developed the Gender Workshop 2021. The cross-disciplinary organisation is directly oriented towards the alliance's female needs and enables a collaborative exchange platform. We have combined varied information and training modules with opening lectures of female scientists. For example, Prof. Antje Körner (CRC1052) and Prof. Annette Becksickinger (CRC1423) will present their personal career paths.
Format: Online-Workshop consists of 4 modules in German language, individual bookings possible
We will gladly accept your registration/questions by e-mail to or by the online registration form.
Programme: [PDF]
28.05.2021 |
Career talk: Prof. Dr. Annette Becksickinger Online Gender-Workshop: Gender Bias – Chancengleichheit an Hochschulen |
02.06.2021 |
Career talk: Prof. Dr. Antje Körner Online Gender-Workshop: Krieg der Sterne – Gendergerechte Sprache |
08.06.2021 |
Career talk: Prof. Dr. Irene Coin Online Gender-Workshop: Leadership – Führen von Teams |
15.06.2021 |
Career talk: Prof. Dr. Martina Rauner Online Gender-Workshop: Konfliktmanagement – In schwierigen Gesprächen bestehen |
We are looking forward to your participation.
Before the workshop, you’ll get an invitation mail with correspending conference link.
Best regards, Lysann Penkalla